About this blog

Kurdish Bookshelf is just an individual effort at promoting Kurdish language, literature, and culture. I had this idea for a long time, but because it sounded like a huge project - given the huge task of presenting a responsible, honest, and deserving picture of the Kurdish literature - I had to procrastinate for a long time.

First I tried to avoid the task by getting others involved through a campaign that encouraged young Kurds to start blogging as a way to develop their writing skills. Some people enthusiastically rode the tide and created their own blogs. Others just contributed by their positive feedback. After a while, I had to stop that campaign due to other commitments and personal circumstances. However, I found new energy recently to do something; either revive the Let's Blog campaign, or do something similar, something that had always been my dream: to promote Kurdish literature.

Promoting Kurdish literature - and later I added Kurdish language and culture as well - can be either through translation, or for English speaking Kurds, writing in English about the Kurdish literature, or writing their own literature.

This is still an evolving project, so let's see where it gets to.


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